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Crow Sculpture Enlargement, in Wood
New York
Maquette Enlargement, Sculpture Enlargement, Digital Enlargement

Here, we do a roughly 2:1 sculptural enlargement of a life sized maquette of a crow, in wood, using our own CNC milling machine, for use as a pattern for a clay mold. The original is about 16", beak to tail, and the pattern is 36". There is a 54" version yet to come. The original 3D digital image was produced by our Polhemus laser scanner, then edited to produce the larger sculpture.  Note that the sculpture was milled in two parts and glued together.

Click on images below to view at larger size.

2:1 maquette enlargement from paper mache sculpture of crow, milled in wood, maquette and wood sculpture shown for comparison.

2:1 maquette enlargement from paper mache sculpture of crow, milled in wood, maquette and wood sculpture shown for comparison.
Glue up block for wood crow sculpture in milling machine.

Glue up block for wood crow sculpture in milling machine.
The body of the wooden crow sculpture begins to emerge from the stylus.

The body of the wooden crow sculpture begins to emerge from the stylus.
...and emerge further...

...and emerge further...
The head of the enlarged wood crow sculpture was milled separately from the body.

The head of the enlarged wood crow sculpture was milled separately from the body.