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RIT Student Project - Faceted Chair
Rochester, Monroe, New York
Faceted Stool for Wilsonart Competition

This was a student project at RIT that involved contest sponsored by Wilsonart plastic laminate to use their product in the designs.  This one was a three legged stool.  Both the inside and outside of the seat wee cut with multi-faceted sides, and the laminate applied to each facet by the student.  The student supplied 3D cad files, came to the shop and we discussed construction techniques, and then I cut the seta and legs to match their designs.  The student's name was Mary Kolber.

Click on images below to view at larger size.

Design File

Design File
Blank mounted and machining begun

Blank mounted and machining begun
Rough cutting finished - 1/2" spiral bit

Rough cutting finished - 1/2" spiral bit
First finishing pass - 1/2" round nose bit

First finishing pass - 1/2" round nose bit
Final finish pass - 1/4" round nose bit

Final finish pass - 1/4" round nose bit
Turning legs

Turning legs
Cutting the inside of the seat - final pass 1/4" round nose bit

Cutting the inside of the seat - final pass 1/4" round nose bit
Inside of seat finished

Inside of seat finished