Custom CNC Technology

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Terra Cotta Finial
New York
Reproduction of Terra Cotta Finial


Below please note a terra cotta original and the minutely detailed 3D computer image. Flaws can be "edited" out in the software program, if necessary, before milling. Files can be precisely altered to allow for the shrinkage inherent in casting operations, such as terra cotta, or to furnish elements in other sizes. We have our own CNC milling capacity in wood, and can furnish scans to specialists in milling, casting or carving other materials, such as stone, terra cotta or plaster.

Click on images below to view at larger size.

The terra cotta original, warts and all.

The terra cotta original, warts and all.
A minutely detailed CNC image.  Flaws can be edited out and file can be "grown", "shrunk", "stretched" or otherwise altered, as necessary.

A minutely detailed CNC image. Flaws can be edited out and file can be "grown", "shrunk", "stretched" or otherwise altered, as necessary.